The purpose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and to share. When you come to look back on all that you have done in life, you will get more satisfaction from the pleasure you have brought into other people's lives than you will from the times that you outdid and defeated them.

Who needs BPM?

BPM should be an organization wide initiative not a department specific or systems specific. This should be the real motivation for any company planning to invest in BPMS. All the business processes of the organization have to be discovered/implemented/migrated/automated to BPMS platform. This has to be the end state or at least should be an ideal state for the IT division of a company.

Workflow Systems:

Although BPM systems have its roots with Workflow systems, BPMS is definitely not an extension of a workflow system.
Workflow is no substitute for BPMS and BPM is rather looked at as systems-to-systems technology.
Also workflow is specific to a system/ collection of systems, but does not collectively represent a domain.


With the advent of SOA, I feel the debate of whether we need to use ESB or existing EAI system becomes nullified.
SOA can be implemented either with EAI/ESB or even without these.
In my opinion BPM can be better sold with SOA rather than with ESB. ESB is perceived both as a product and as architecture. Let the customer decide whether he needs an upgrade from EAI to ESB with necessary cost justifications.

BPM complements SOA and vice versa.

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