The purpose of life is not to win. The purpose of life is to grow and to share. When you come to look back on all that you have done in life, you will get more satisfaction from the pleasure you have brought into other people's lives than you will from the times that you outdid and defeated them.

How to crack the SCDJWS ?..

The wikipedia says SCDJWS is the toughest and the most respected Sun Certification.
Very true indeed.

I scored 79% (55/69). Here's the split up.

XML Web Service Standards 80%
SOAP 1.1 Web Service Standards 83%
Describing and Publishing (WSDL and UDDI) 100%
SOAP and XML Processing APIs (JAXP, JAXB and SAAJ) 100%
JAXR 75%
J2EE Web Services 71%
Security 75%
Developing Web Services 66%
General Design and Architecture 50%
Endpoint Design and Architecture 80%

Preparation Plan

1. RMH Book for XML Basics, Namespaces, Schemas, SOAP, WSDL
2. Rest of the chapters - MZ notes. - javaboot
3. mock exams

The questions in the real exam were little tough than xyzws mocks. It wasn't that straight forward, but with little thinking it can be answered.

I did practise a little with all the APIs. I hosted a Web Service using JAX-RPC, wrote some schemas and compiled it. I used the tomcat for java web services developer pack.

CSV Parser in Java

public class CSVParser {

public static final String CSV_REGEX_PATTERN = "\"([^\"]+?)\",?([^,]+),?,";
public static final String TSV_REGEX_PATTERN = "\t{1}";
public static Pattern csvRE;
public static Pattern tsvRE;

static {
csvRE = Pattern.compile(CSV_REGEX_PATTERN);
tsvRE = Pattern.compile(TSV_REGEX_PATTERN);

private List parse(String line) {

List list = new ArrayList();
Matcher m = csvRE.matcher(line);

// For each field
while (m.find()) {
String match =;
if (match == null)
//this will remove trailing , - comment this out if we dont want that affect
if (match.endsWith(",")) {
match = match.substring(0, match.length() - 1);
if (match.startsWith("\"")) {
match = match.substring(1, match.length () - 1);
if (match.length() == 0)
match = null;

return list;


How to configure JMeter for your Web Application ?..

How to start ?..
From intranet network, we need to pass through the proxy, and here is the command to start JMeter via proxy.
Please navigate to the bin of the JMeter root directory and fire the following command
C:\project\jakarta-jmeter-2.2\jakarta-jmeter-2.2\bin>jmeter -H -P 8080 -u -a
Create a Test Plan
1. The JMeter's left side pane contains a Test Plan and WorkBench Item.
2. Click on Test Plan Item.
3. Type in an appropriate name in the Test Plan name text box.
Add a Thread Group
1. Right click on the Test Plan Item
2. Naviagate to Add menu item.
3. Click on Thread Group
4. Name the thread group appropriately.
5. Enter the number of threads (users), ramp up count and loop count appropriately.
Add a Http Request Defaults
1. Right click on the Thread Group which has been created.
2. Naviagate to Add menu item.
3. Navigate to Config Element menu item.
4. Click on Http Request Defaults
Configure Http Request Defaults
1. Click on Http Request Defaults which has been newly created.
2. Enter the following details.
Name: give one
Server Name or IP:
Port Number:
Protocol: https
Path: /

Add Http Cookie Manager
1. Right click on the Thread Group which has been created.
2. Naviagate to Add menu item.
3. Navigate to Config Element menu item.
4. Click on Http Cookie Manager
Why do we need this ? - to be updated later
Add a Http Request
1. Right click on the Thread Group which has been created.
2. Naviagate to Add menu item.
3. Navigate to Sampler menu item.
4. Click on Http Request
Configure Http Request
1. Click on the Http Request item which has been created.
2. Enter the following details.
Name: Login
Method: Choose POST
Path: /security.AuthenticationServlet.serv
Follow Redirects: Check it.
3. Click on the Add button, to add request parameters.
Name Value Encode Include Equals
j_username hello_bosss no yes
j_password password yes yes
Add Results
1. Right click on the Thread Group which has been created.
2. Naviagate to Add menu item.
3. Navigate to Listener menu item.
4. Click on View Results Tree
Configure SSL Manager
1. Download the digital certificate.
2. Goto STAGE URL from the browser window.
3 Click on View button, when the security window pops up.
4. Goto Details tab
5. Click on Copy to File .. button.
6. Save the file to disk.
7. Navigate Options Menu in JMeter dialog screen.
8. Click on SSL Manager.
9. Enter the digital certificate file name with the path in the File Name: text box.
10. Click Open button.
11. Click Ok/Cancel if ask for a KeyStore password. The default password is 'changeit'
Run Test
1. Navigate to Run menu.
2. Click on the Start menu item.
3. Click on the View Results Tree which you created to see the results.